The VUCA World: A New Standard

Volatility – Uncertainty – Complexity – Ambiguity  

Welcome to the VUCA word.  

This acronym perfectly describes the situation of change and unpredictability we are facing. It has even become the new norm in the business world.  

Did you know that this acronym is already 35 years old ? It develops an approach and a philosophy in terms of organizational management, perception of the future, risk and change management, decision-making and leadership.  

📍 And this is precisely how, since the 1980s, the Chinese have perceived the world in which they need to develop their businesses.  

✅ VUCA is part of the strategic DNA of Chinese entrepreneurs. Extract from a webinar given with @Aldo Spaanjaars at the Danish Chinese Business Forum. 👇 

 #Uncertainty #Business #Future 

#Incertitude #Affaires #Avenir